5 Stepping Stones (Arts, Out of Doors, People, Today and Tomorrow, Well Being)

As the Daisies step over the stepping stones, the Leader says:

"Stepping stones are for you Daisies,
Cross them while you sing.
Your Daisy days are over now,
Come and join our Brownie ring."

Girls now join the Brownie ring, where they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.

"When you was a very young girl
You wore Daisy Girl Scout Blue,
You learned the joy of singing
With Daisy friends so true.
But now that you am older
You will be trying something new,
You will bring along your happy smile
To Brownies we are welcoming you."

The Brownies are in the Brownie Circle and the Bridging Brownies are in the middle.

"Now is the time to say good-bye.
Break the ring and away you'll fly. "

Brownies then cross over the Bridge to Juniors, they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.

"When you were a young girl
You learned through "trying" many things
Now you are ready for new adventures
As Juniors, your ideas can take wings.

Juniors cross over the Bridge to Cadettes, they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.

"When you were a young girl
You learned a lot of things
By singing, badge work, and helping others
You learned what happiness you can bring
Now you come to Cadettes ready to take a greater part
In Girl Scouting and your community,
And Cadettes is just the start."

A Leader reads to all:

"When I hear of a young girl
Who hasn't been a Girl Scout
I think of all the wonders
That she has never seen.
We've watched you girls grow
And marveled at the sight,
Your caring, talents and abilities
And using them just right."


On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law

Closing Ceremony: Retire the flags by the Color Guard.

We would like everyone to join us in a big Friendship Circle and sing "Taps" with us.

Thank you for coming.