Project Bloom By-Laws

Article I-Name

The name of this organization is PROJECT BLOOM, INC.

The fiscal year of Project Bloom shall be April 1-March 31


Article II-Purposes

    The goals of Project Bloom shall be:

                    General Purpose

To promote the beautification enhancement of the Village of Central Square

    Specific Purpose

To establish a central Board to oversee and manage the receipt and disbursement of any money transferred to Project Bloom by gift or devise or of any legacy or annuity of any kind, given or bequeathed to it.  The Board will oversee the raising, investing and appropriating of funds to be used solely for the beautification enhancement of the Village of Central Square. 

Article III-Membership

The management and direction of Project Bloom shall be delegated to a Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the "Board".

The Board shall consist of 4 members: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  When need deems necessary, an assistant Vice President may be appointed.

Members of the Board and group membership may be open to all who are interested and concerned with beautification of the Village of Central Square through the activities of Project bloom.  No member shall hold more than one seat at any given time.

Board members shall be elected to serve a two-year term and shall serve no more than two consecutive two-year terms.

If a vacancy occurs during a term, it shall be filled by the Board.

The Board shall select all standing and special committees and designate the duties of those committees. 

Article IV-Officers

The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall preside at all Board meetings; shall select chairpersons of all committees; shall be an ex officio member of all committees and shall sign all agreements and formal instructions.

The President-Elect shall be second in succession and serve as Chairperson of the Board meeting upon absence of the President and shall assume the duties of the President if the President is unable to perform the duties of that office.

The Vice President shall assist any officer or chairperson in any capacity needed.  The Vice President shall serve as chairperson of the Board in the absence of the President and Preside Elect.

The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of meetings; handle correspondence; keep a roster of Board and membership; prepare and co-sign all agreements and formal instruments, except those pertaining to the Office of Treasurer and distribute minutes to the membership.

The Treasurer shall collect and receive and monies donated to Project Bloom and deposit those funds; shall disburse and distribute the same subject to the direction of the majority of the full Board; shall keep accurate books of account and shall submit a report at meetings of the Board.

Article V- Election of Officers

Once the originating Board membership was established, the election of officers shall be conducted at the Annual Meeting.

Officers will be elected on alternating years- even years for Vice President and Secretary- Odd years for President, President Elect and Treasurer.

If there be but one candidate, election may be by viva voice; if there be more than one candidate election shall be by ballot.

Article VI-Meetings

The Annual Meeting of Project Bloom shall be held every April at which time committee reports shall be submitted.  In addition, the Treasurer shall submit a report of the finances of Project Bloom.  Copies of these reports shall be available to all membership.

Regular meetings shall be held as needed.

Action by the Board shall be approved by majority vote of the membership.  Nine members shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII-Amendments

Proposed amendments to the Project Bloom Bylaws shall first be submitted, accompanied with a copy of the current Bylaws, to the Board.  The proposed amendment changes will be presented for review and approval at the next regular membership meeting.

These Bylaws shall govern the conduct of business for Project Bloom.

Article VII-Relationship of Project Bloom to the Community

To facilitate the coordination of Project Bloom goals with the village of Central Square projects, Project Bloom shall work with the Village Board and will discuss and consider all written request for projects from the Village Board.

Project Bloom will continue with its on0-going relationship with the Village of Central Square Board.

The order in which requests are funded and the methods used to raise funds will be left to the sole discretion of Project Bloom.



The Board officers (Diane Mallory, Dottie Landers, Bev O'Connell and Joyce Marko) reviewed the Bylaws on September 13, 2006 with presentation to the full membership on October 18, 2006.  Bylaws voted and accepted on October 18, 2006.


Bylaws amended May 22, 2007