Some Of Our Ceremonies    


Our first big ceremony as Brownies was our Investiture/Rededication Ceremony on November 13, 1997.  One girl was Rededicated and the other nineteen were Invested.   click here.
In February 1998 we celebrated Thinking Day with a candle light ceremony.  Nineteen of our girls received their World Association Pins at this ceremony.  We spent the rest of the meeting playing games and eating food from other countries. 
March 8, 1998:  Girls from the Lakeview Service Unit brought up the gifts during mass on Girl Scout Sunday.  The photo to the left was taken at St. Bernadette's Church in Constantia, NY.  Girls from Central Square, Constantia and Cleveland participated.  
May 2, 1998:  Our Service Unit had a Sports Day.  Six girls from Brownie Troop 78 performed the opening flag ceremony.  At Sports Day, troop choose 3 sports they wanted to try.  After the workshops, girls who regularly participated in sports received their female athlete patch.
February 1999: Thinking Day Ceremony.  Our four new girls received their World Association Pins.  We spent the rest of the meeting singing songs, playing games and making crafts from other countries.
