Fly-Up Ceremony

Brownies form a ring at one end of the room. The Junior Girl Scout Troop forms a horseshoe at the other end of the room. The Brownie leader and Brownies to fly-up are in center of circle. Brownies sing their Brownie Song and add - "Now it’s time to say Goodbye - open the ring and out you fly." Leader and girls go to center of room between groups.

Brownie Leader:
Brownie, you’re just about to become a Junior Scout.
But when you have left the pack turn sometimes and just look back;
Remember that all Fairyland really lies so close at hand.
And if you’re happy, brave and true, you’ll find the world all magic, too.
In this new troop you soon will find Girl Scouts are loyal, true, and kind.
And if you bring your Brownie grin and some Brownie Magic in -
The troop, the town, the world and all will like you, even though you’re small.

Leader pins on wings and says:
So now I give you Brownie wings
That you may fly to bigger things.
(They salute each other with the Girl Scout sign.)

One of the Junior Scouts comes to meet them and says - "Who goes there?"
The Brownies give their names.
Junior Scout: By what right do you come?
Brownies: By the right of my wings.
Junior Scout then takes her to the Junior leader.

Junior Leader:
Now who is this with her dress so brown
Her smile turned up and her cap turned down?
We’ve heard of her ways all over the town.
Of course, why of course, she is a Brownie.
Oh, we are the Girl Scouts, a trusty band,
And we welcome this elf from Fairyland;
We’re ready to help her lend a hand;
So welcome, oh welcome the Brownie.

Leader may ask the girls to say the Girl Scout Promise and Law, etc.. and then pins the Girl Scout pin on the girls’ uniforms. The girls then enter the horseshoe.

All girls may sing a song together.