Multi-Level Arch Bridging Ceremony

Daisies and sister Brownie troop should stand and proceed to the designated area for the Arching Ceremony. (The arch can be formed by: Leaders or Brownies raising arms to make arch; holding 2 branches to make arch; make a floral arch, etc.)


When I was a very young girl.
I learned the joy of singing
But now that I am older
I'll take along my happy smile
I wore Daisy Blue.
With Daisy friends so true.
I'll wear a hat of brown,
To Brownies I am bound.

Daisies cross through the Arch as leader says:

"Through the Arch to a wondrous thing
A Daisy joins the Brownie Ring."

Fly-up Brownies and sister Junior troop assemble.


When I was a young girl
I wore a dress of brown
I learned the B's of Brownies
And friendship all around.
Now the dress I'll wear will be of Girl Scout green,
Old friends join hands with new
As a Junior I'll be seen.

Brownies now cross the Bridge to Junior troop. Bridging Juniors and Cadette sister troop assemble.


When I was a young girl
I wore a dress of green,
I learned through helping others
What happiness can mean.
Now I'll follow in proud footsteps,
Where other Scouts have been
Exciting Cadette adventures...
Where I'm ready to begin.

Juniors now cross the Bridge to Cadettes. Bridging Cadettes and Senior troop assemble.


When I was a young girl
I wore a dress of green,
To Seniors I am going
By learning the world around me
Through service to others
A new world I have seen.
I know I'll achieve my goal,
I'll discover my own role.


When I see young girls...
Who haven't worn our dress of green
I think of all the wonders. .
That they have never seen
We've watched our girls grow.
And marveled at what we've seen
And now that we are older
We still love our dress of green