Flags-multiple levels

Opening: Quiet Sign

[Daisy Girl Scout Flag enters, carried by a Daisy Girl Scout]

Narrator #1: "I am the Daisy Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in blue. I have watched them become Girl Scouts and now they seek the wise old owl."

[Brownie Girl Scout Flag enter, carried by a Brownie Girl Scout.]

Narrator #2: "I am the Brownie Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in brown. I have guided their enthusiasm for three years and now they fly from my arms."

[Girl Scout Flag enters, carried by a Junior Girl Scout.]

Narrator #3: "I am the Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in green. For three years I have watched them grow and now they step upward to Cadette Girl Scouting."

[World Association Flag enters carried by a Cadette Girl Scout.]

Narrator #4: "I am the World Association Flag. I watch over my Girl Scouts to appreciate Girl Scouting/Girl Guiding all over the world. They have the same international spirit that made me great. I watch Cadette Girl Scouts grow to become Senior Girl Scouts. Please stand."

[United States Flag enters carried by a Senior Girl Scout.]

Narrator #5: "I am the United States Flag. I watch over Senior Girl Scouts and all Girl Scouts. I can hold my head high when I am with them. I am proud of my daughters. Girl Scouts and guests, the Flag of your country, pledge Allegiance. Color guard, post your colors. Color guard, dismissed."