Scout's Own
Theme: “GSs”

All: Sing “GSs Together” (Sing Together, page 34)

Girl 1: G is for Girl - that’s why we are here
  I is for Interest - without that we wouldn’t care
  R is for Ready - to start to take our place in the world
  L is for Living - the GS way
Girl 2: S is for Seeking - to learn, to explore
  C is for Country - we’ll try to do our share and more
  O is for Obligation - to live up to the Promise we’ve made
  U is for Unity - together, one for all
  T is for Trust - without that, we’d all fall

All: I am a GS

Girl 3: I have a Promise. It has three parts. GSs and Girl Guides all over the world are sisters and friends in this Promise.

All: Repeat the GS Promise

Girl 4: I have a Law. This is the code by which I try to live. This law shoould be used daily in every GS’s life -- in all she does in work and play.

All: Repeat the GS Law
Sing “Whene’er You Make A Promise” (Sing Together, pg. 25)

All: “I am a GS”

Girl 5: I have a motto - “Be Prepared”. This means that I can be depended upon , whenever I am needed. This is my duty -- to be ready when called upon.

All: I am a GS

Girl 6: I have a slogan “Do a good turn daily”. I will try to help other people.

All: I am a GS

Girl 7: I have a sign. This I give whenever I repeat my Promise. It is important to stand erect to show my pride in belonging. This reminds me to think straight and to realize my duty as a citizen. I give the GS sign to other GSs and Girl Guides because it is the sign of friendship. The three fingers stand for the three parts of the Promise.

All: I am a GS

Girl 8: I have a uniform and am proud to wear it. It must be neat at all times. When in uniform, I try harder than usual to obey the GS Law.

All: Sing “On My Honor”