Scout's Own
Theme: “Promise and Law”

Entire group recites the promise

Each girl tells what the Promise means to her

Divide girls into pairs or equal groups, one for each part of the Law. Each group tells what their phrase of the Law means to them.

Song: “GSs Together”

Short story or poem

Song: “Whene’er You Make A Promise”

Choral Reading:
(Have cards with letters on front and “reading” on back for girls to hold)

What the Promise and Law mean to a GS:

P stands for Partnership with God and our fellow man
R means Responsibility , which when accepted, makes us a better person
O is Opportunities, many opportunities that come to us through GSing
M is for Moments that we’ll treasure always
 I stands for Individuality, the mark of a strong person
S symbolizes Service, the keynote of GSing
E might be Experiences, little things and big ones, too. Maybe that (fill in here with two special troop experiences that happened during the year).
L stands for Laughter, an effective medicine for all aches and pains, emotional and physical
A symbolizes Adventure, the kind of thing that can change an ordinary day into a momentous one
W means Work, good and simple, without it we could not live - merely exist

All: And remember always, a smile is the trademark of a GS

Song: “Green Trees” and “Taps”